Monday, 21 January 2019

Saturday, 3 January 2015

French toast

4 eggs
2 dl milk
2 teaspoons cinnamon
6 big slices of toast

Whisk everything together and put each toast in mixture. Fry on pan.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014


Tid: 15 minutter. 
Bagetid: 25 minutter. 
Antal stykker: 35 små kvadrater 

Det skal du bruge til lakridskage: 225 g smør 
450 g brun farin 
3 æg 
3 spsk. lakridspulver 
270 g hvedemel 
1½ tsk. bagepulver 
En mellemstor bradepande (25 x 35 cm) 

Sådan laver du lakridskage: 
1. Tænd ovnen på 180 grader, og beklæd bradepanden med bagepapir. 

2. Smelt smør og brun farin i en gryde ved svag varme. Lad det køle lidt af. 

3. Slå æggene ud i en skål, og pisk dem sammen med den afkølede smørblanding. Tilsæt lakridspulver, og pisk videre. Sigt hvedemel og bagepulver i smørblandingen, og rør dejen sammen med en ske, til den er jævn. 

4. Fordel dejen i bradepanden, og bag kagen i ovnen i cirka 25 minutter. 

5. Lad din lakridskage afkøle, og skær den ud i 35 stykker på 5 x 5 cm.

Friday, 15 November 2013

Chicken nuggets with potato wedges


600 g of chicken inner fillet
6-7 tablespoons breadcrumbs
1 egg - pasteurized
2 tablespoons oil
4 baking potatoes
1 tablespoon oil
Salt and pepper

1 cucumber
1 can of corn

Preparation time: approx . 30 minutes
 1 Heat the oven to 225 degrees. Wash the potatoes and cut into wedges , put them on a baking sheet with baking paper and toss oil, salt and pepper over. Roast in the oven for approx. 25 mins .
2 Pour egg and breadcrumbs in two separate plates. Mix ½ package of bread crumbs with 1 teaspoon salt and a little pepper. Pat the chicken meat dry with paper towels and turn it in the egg then in breadcrumbs.
3 Brown chicken pieces in oil on both sides in a non-stick frying pan over high heat . Reduce heat to medium and cook approx. 8 min . They must take color and become crispy .
4 Meanwhile cut the cucumber into cubes and mix them with corn .

5 Serve chicken nuggets with potato wedges , corn salad and ketchup .

Friday, 8 November 2013

Beef stroganoff express

4-8 large potatoes
2-5 parsley roots
400g mixed mushrooms
500 g beef in wok strips
50 g butter
2 tsp smoked paprika
Salt , pepper
4 dl water
1 beef bouillon cube
1 dl cooking cream
½ cup flat-leaf parsley

1 Peel the potatoes and cut them into small cubes approx. 3x3 cm . Peel the parsnips and cut them into cubes approx. 3x3 cm . Boil potatoes and parsnips until tender in unsalted water, approx. 15 minutes .
2 Clean the mushrooms and halve the largest in two pieces .
3 Brown the meat in half the butter 2-3 minutes . in a frying pan and put on a plate . Brown mushrooms approx . 4 min in the pan.
4 Add the meat back to the pan and season with paprika, salt and pepper. Add water , broth and cream and cook for 3-4 minutes .
5 Drain the potatoes and parsley roots and mash them with the electrical beater.

6 Stir the remaining butter in the mashed potatoes and season with salt and pepper. Serve stroganoff sprinkled with chopped parsley.